
%0 Conference Proceedings
%@isbn 978-85-7669-266-9
%T Morphological filtering for stripping correction of SPOT images
%D 1988
%A Banon, Gerald Jean Francis,
%A Barrera, Junior,
%@affiliation Divisão de Processamento de Imagens (DPI) do Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
%@affiliation Departamento de Ciência da Computação da Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
%E Freitas, Carla Maria Dal Sasso,
%E Daltrini, Beatriz Mascia,
%E Mascarenhas, Nelson Delfino D'Ávila,
%E Magalhães, Leo Pini,
%E Carvalho, João Marques de,
%B Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagem, 1 (SIBGRAPI)
%C Petrópolis, RJ, Brazil
%8 19-20 Apr. 1988
%I Sociedade Brasileira de Computação
%J Porto Alegre
%P 132-143
%S Anais
%K morphological interpolation, morphological filtering, stripping correction of SPOT images.
%X The objective of this paper is to show how a sequence of elementary morphological filtering operations can lead to the correction of the stripping effect present on some level 2B SPOT images. The basic idea employed is to design the morphological filter using as a priori modeling of the stripes. The overall algorithm is divided in three steps. A binary image showing the high frequencies in the vertical direction is first obtained. Another binary image is then deduced which indicates the location of the stripes. Finally, the corrected image is obtained by morphological interpolation. The effect of each processing step is illustrated from an original image of the Porto Alegre city corrupted by the stripes.
%9 Processamento de Imagens (artigos)
%@language en
%3 20 Morphological filtering for stripping correction of SPOT images.pdf
